Jonathan Harley

Jonathan Harley

Registered Social worker, Psychotherapist
Jonathan Harley is a Registered Social Worker with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW).
Jonathan offers individual therapy and has extensive experience serving clients of all ages through his social work experiences in educational, psychiatric, and child welfare settings. Jonathan has counseling experience in helping people to address issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma, stress reduction and lifestyle changes, substance use and abuse, and family relationships and conflict.
Jonathan has advanced clinical training in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) from University of Toronto. DBT is a behavioural approach to psychotherapy which blends a cognitive-behavioural approaches with mindfulness practices to equip people with coping skills to overcome extreme emotions. Jonathan is a believer that effective psychotherapy goes beyond ‘thinking our way out of problems’ and requires training of practical coping skills that will aid our ability to act new ways of thinking in our daily lives.
Jonathan also has advanced clinical training in supporting people who are survivors of physical and sexual abuse from Radius Child and Youth Services and is experienced with offering counsel to survivors of trauma, as well as offering counsel to people supporting survivors of trauma.

Jonathan is currently completing yoga teacher training at Circle Studios in Hamilton. Jonathan views yoga as more than a fitness routine and advocates yoga as a powerful and accessible practice for overcoming the weight of anxiety, depression, and overall feelings of discontentment during troubling times and beyond. Jonathan’s goal is to incorporate trauma-informed yoga teaching into therapeutic counseling and highlight awareness of the mind-body connection and its impact on our perceptions of daily experiences and attitudes towards life.