Energy Work


Reiki is an energy technique that promotes relaxation, and reduced stress and anxiety through gentle touch. 

It was developed in the early 1900s by Milano Usui, deriving from the Japanese words, “rei” meaning universal, and “ki” which refers to the vital life force energy that flows through all living things. 

Reiki supports healing by helping people become energetically balanced, physically, emotionally mentally and spiritally. 

Enjoy an hour of peace and relaxation – the ultimate self care – cozy and supported in our peaceful space. 

The treatment is an hour in length. We recommend you skip your morning coffee and enjoy herbal tea instead on the day of your appointment.

Have a warm bath or shower and dress is comfortable loose clothing, and Samantha will take the very best care of you. 

Cost $85+hst


HUNA- the science, Hawaiian roots, how it works and how it can help you!

“Energy Medicine has been defined as any energetic or informational interaction with a biological system to bring back homeostasis in the organism. At the core of all this is the concept of subtle energy, which seems to sustain and promote life processes in the biological system. Quantum physics allows the scientific recognition of Energy Medicine and at the same time the inclusion of many ancient and modern therapies relating to subtle energies in the select world of medicine where only pharmaceutics and surgery have been accepted.”

– Dr. Paul Drouin

The Science The scientific foundations of Huna Energy Healing come from a focus on harnessing the power of quantum physics for transformation and healing. In physics the branch called quantum mechanics studies the behaviour of matter and energy on the smallest scales, atomic and subatomic. At this level traditional laws of physics break down, giving rise to fascinating phenomena. An important principle of quantum mechanics is entanglement; particles can become interconnected in a way that the state of one particle instantly influences the state of another, regardless of the distance between them. This interconnectedness is the foundation of energy healing. With Huna Energy Healing our bodies and minds are interconnected with what is known in quantum physics as the field, which contains an infinite reservoir of energy and information and is the primary governing force of the material world. Energy is vibrational and the frequency can be altered. Like Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics. Energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. Matter is formed out of energy”

The culture and spirituality of Hawaii revolves around the concept of mana- the life force energy that flows through all living things. Huna means secret and refers to the wisdom of the ancient Hawaiian culture. It is an intuitive and energetic model of healing rooted back to Ancient Hawaiian practices. The healers, known as kahunas, understood our inner workings. They possessed the ability to significantly and uniquely understand human consciousness, its nature and divisions, and the forces through which the elements of consciousness operate. They knew how to heal at the level of energy before the physical form. In contrast to modern medicine, which views and treats the physical body and mind as separate and completely disregards the spirit, in Huna the different levels of consciousness are viewed as interconnected pieces of the whole. The subconscious mind, conscious mind and super conscious mind are believed to dwell in the physical body, the mind and the spirit in an energetic state. The trilogy of consciousness is connected by cords that communicate by transmitting energy between these different levels and with the external world, the entire universe- the field.

Like Einstein said, everything is made of energy. We are made of energy, our thoughts, our emotions- all energy. The ancient Hawaiian healers knew how to work with these subtle energies to their own benefit and influenced outcomes that resulted in an abundance of health and joy. This understanding and way of being has been passed down through generations and therefore it is no surprise that Hawaiians are known as one of the happiest and healthiest populations in the world.

The HUNA energy healers approach is that all illnesses and dysfunctions are considered self-generated as an effect of stress. This stress influences the vibrational frequency of an individual’s internal flow of energy, the field of energy that surrounds them and beyond. Meaning it extends into the universe, into the quantum field where form is created. Based on the law of attraction in quantum physics, like attracts like, you get back what you put out energetically. In other words, you experience health and personal matters on the same vibrational frequency that you emit. We don’t always consciously know that we are sending out these vibrational frequencies. Many old patterns and beliefs are stored in our subconscious and if our subconscious and conscious (body and mind) do not have a strong relationship working together along with the superconscious (spirit) we are often unknowingly having thoughts and e-motions (energy in motion) that are influencing experiences that are not in alignment with our true nature- which is health, peace and happiness. The good news is that our body is our best friend and it will show us where we are not energetically vibrating in alignment with our true nature. It will show us where our mind is not in alignment with our spirit by reflecting it in the body.

Huna is all about self empowerment and self healing and working with mana, the subtle energies in and around us, to influence all areas of our life. There are many ways we influence and direct energy. Along with our thoughts and emotions, individuals and practitioners use subtle energies during meditation with breath work, directed consciousness like mindfulness and visualizations.

In addition to our breath another simple way is by eating life-giving foods. In this sense, the mana moves from the body, to the mind to the spirit and increases in charge as it moves. Like a tree, using water to circulate its sap from the roots, through the tree to the branches and leaves.

Another way is with HUNA energy healing.

During the sessions practitioners intuitively ask questions and scan the energy body for dense energy and active patterns creating your symptoms and experiences. Once the areas are located Huna practitioners focus on healing by consciously directing higher vibrational energy towards the clients energy field and current of energy flowing through their energetic levels of consciousness- first through the superconscious (spirit), to the conscious (mind) and subconscious (body), strengthening the relationship between all of them and transforming the vibrational frequency of the energy. This order of directed energy is much more powerful and the process initiates a ripple effect that promotes healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Huna energy healing exists on the bridge between science and spirituality. Over all healings are fairly comfortable and relief will be felt after each session as the body moves into this higher vibration of lightness and ease.


Physical Body

Reduces or eliminates pain & inflammation
Relaxes muscles
Cleanses toxins supporting lymphatic circulation
Regulates blood pressure
Calms the nervous system
Balances immune function
Balances hormones
Restores sleep pattern
Increases libido
Supports the healing of digestion
Supports assimilation of nutrients and minerals
Releases stored trauma from injuries
Increases energy, strength and vitality
Triggers the body’s intelligence to heal itself

Emotional Body

Overcome fear, anxiety, grief and trauma
Restores natural state of happiness and gratitude
Acknowledges, cares for and releases suppressed emotions
Increases self-love, acceptance and inner peace
Improves and invites loving co-operative relationships
Inspires eating well and exercising
Inspires creativity and reveals inner gifts
You feel better

Mental Body

Strengthens the power of the mind
Improves mental clarity and ability to focus
Decisions become easy and the direction of your life becomes clear
Increases productivity
Supports the healing of addictive behaviours
Aligns with a higher order of thought
Cleanses obsessive thoughts
Opens intuitive abilities
Creates ‘health’ consciousness that guides daily deisions
Empowers and uplifts