Chris Lamont

Chris Lamont RMT, RH

Registered Massage Therapist, Registered Herbalist


Chris is a Registered Massage Therapist, and a graduate of the 3 year program at the International College of Herbal Medicine, founded by world-renowned herbalist Isla Burgess.

Chris combines his knowledge from both streams of education to create a well-rounded, effective treatment plan. When practicing as an RMT, his knowledge of the body systems from his education and experience as a herbalist helps to further his understanding of what is happening in your body.

Chris apprenticed and studied under medical herbalist John Redden from 2006 – 2017. Chris became a registered herbalist and member of the Ontario Herbalists Association in 2014. He was elected a member of the Board of Directors of the OHA in 2015 and served as Director of Admissions for 6 years.

When not in the clinic, Chris enjoys playing the drums. He has been a professional musician for many years and still performs regularly. His favourite activity though, is taking his son into the woods to learn together about all the amazing plants that grow there.